Stylized picture of Brandon Shreve

Hello, my name is Brandon Shreve

About Me

I am a senior software engineer currently working at Salesforce. I have a passion for developing delightful user interfaces that are scalable, secure and accessible. I also love building tools and systems that remove barriers and friction from customers and developers alike.

My (current) toolset across a multitude of projects consists of: JavaScript, Vue, React, Node, Webpack, C#, Java, SQL. I have no problem getting my hands dirty and picking up unfamiliar tools to get the job done. My favorite editor is Visual Studio Code.

Previous full-stack development experience: Amazon, General Motors, Kimley-Horn, Appareo Systems. Feel free to take a look at my resume for the full story.

My Interests

Powerlifting, traveling , experimenting in the kitchen , gaming , spending time with my wife and baby girl.

Connect With Me

You can find me on a variety of platforms across the web.

Email Me

Got an interesting project proposal or just want to chat? Lets talk!